The summer of 2008 saw the highest prices for gasoline and diesel fuel in history. I know that, because on our trip to Powers Lake we fueled up and for the first time in my life it cost over $100 to put fuel in the pickup. That is one reason we decided to stay close to home for the summer of 2008. The other reason was that we had some maintenance work to do on our house before winter. We have steel siding on our house and it was yellow in color. Karen liked to call it a gold color. We wanted to have it more in the grey tone so I looked into the best way to paint it. The first step was to wash and scrub the whole house with a solution of TSP. Next came a coat of a high quality bonding agent and then the final two coats of paint. It seemed like quite a task for a couple of old timers like ourselves, but like Karen says, "How do you eat an elephant?... One bite at a time." So we took one section or one wall at a time and sure enough--before you knew it, the job was done.
The shingles on the gables are actually made of fibreglass so they didn't need as much prep work. All that was needed was a good cleaning and the paint job. Does the siding look gold or yellow?
The first coat of paint over the bonding agent. We are just about all the way around the house now. What a job! Can we go camping again now?